Shingles Roofs
Asphalt shingles are the most commonly used roofing materials on the market today, both in residential and commercial housing properties. Asphalt shingles are made up of either of composition substrate or fiberglass. Fiberglass substrate has a higher fire retardant rating because fiberglass is not combustible. Asphalt shingles are available from a 20 year 3-tab to 30-50 year dimensional lifetime shingles.

The shingle roof system is made up of a moisture barrier felt like an ASTM 15# or 30#, and ice or water shield around the eaves, penetrations and valleys and of course your asphalt shingle.
Advantages: Asphalt roof shingles continue looking good with little maintenance. Also, they can easily be repaired if they become damaged. They are the least expensive to produce and the installation costs are relatively inexpensive compared to other materials.
Disadvantage: Asphalt shingles have a shorter functional life than other traditional materials as tile and slate. Asphalt shingles usually attract large amounts of heat which are then radiated downward. Large amounts of heat will shorten the life expectancy and allow more heat penetration into the home without additional venting.
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